Jessamine Bartley-Matthews's Fundraiser

Support runners in recovery
Please join me in helping families take back the reins in their fight against addiction
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
We've all been impacted by the opioid crisis, whether directly or not. Help me support the men, women and families in treatment at Odyssey House.
At Odyssey House, people in recovery for addiction are encouraged to participate in fitness programs such as long-distance running, weight training, pilates and yoga. Fitness and self care are critical components of a successful recovery, providing focus and discipline that carry over to other aspects of a healthy life.
This year, I'm joining a team of runners in treatment for addiction, who will take on the ultimate challenge – the grueling 26.2-mile NYC Marathon. They've been training for this day for months, and are out to prove to themselves— and the community— that they are not powerless over addiction; that treatment works; and that people in recovery are goal-oriented and motivated to take back the reins of their life.
This is no small accomplishment for men and women who have been battling addiction for years. Your contribution will help provide more than just the essential equipment every runner needs (sneakers, entry fees and race uniforms); it will also fund the health and fitness services that ALL residents in treatment at Odyssey House benefit from.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Team Odyssey. Thank you for your support!